Friday, June 4, 2010

Romance and Pansexuality

Greetings non existent readers! Sorry for the late update, my girlfriend was over. Right now I am in my pajamas, not at A-prom. So I think now's a good time to talk about homosexuality.

First off- I'm not. Allow me to explain.

1) I am a girl
2) I am in a sixth month long romantic relationship with a girl
3) My girlfriend is a lesbian
4) I am not a lesbian. What's more, I am not bisexual, nor transgender.

Ladies and gentlemen , I am what is known as a "Pansexual". I feel romantic attraction regardless of gender, because genders do not interest me. I don't give a crap, and I don't see why I should. I don't understand why other people do, actually.

Out of curiosity, I often ask girls what they look for in a soul mate. The list is extensive and features things like "Smart, funny, sweet, honest, cute", etc. All the traits girls seem to look for are gender neutral. Plus, when asked "So if you two are really true loves, does it matter if they aren't awesome in bed?"

Que the hip cocked,the arms crossed, the jaw set and the nose goes flying into the air as they inform me that obviously they wouldn't care. "Sex has nothing to do with true love!" they say.

Okay, so maybe it's unfair to trick people like this, but every girl I've tried this on ends up saying that love and sex are disconnected for them, so I ask the critical question- if love and sex are different, and you desperately want to find your soul mate, why do you only date guys?

Try it sometime. Girls will stutter, or go wide eyed, some even gag. And then they do their best to explain that they're straight. Straight; That's a sexual orientation! They feel they can't possibly fall in love with girls because they can only have sex with boys? When they agree that sex is unrelated to love?

But pansexuality is a sexual orientation too. Just like asexuality is a sexual orientation. Just like atheism is a religion, and bald is a hair color. Back on topic, I realize I can't logic people into thinking that sex doesn't matter. For most of you, I guess it does. It's just weird.

But despite my general repulsion towards all reproductive organs, I fully support gay rights. I even read comics and manga about gay love (there are several that I am a huge fan of). Any straights who say being gay is a choice...

I can explain the hormone spikes in the womb that cause men to rely of their left brain more than is typical another time. For now, all homophobes should know you're wrong and illogical. G'night!

1 comment:

  1. Okay so..
    besides you picking a nice topic, and the nice intro including your girlfriend (you guys are so cute!♥) I think that you explained your pan-viewpoint pretty well. The homophobe thing could have been said a bit nicer, however...
