Monday, June 14, 2010

Where I've been

If I get readers one day who read through my posts and care enough to look at the dates, you'll know that I haven't written in a few days.

That's because I've been busy trying to write a story!

Note: "Trying" is the operative word here.

Other note: "Busy" really isn't.

I'm sick of magic being something that drains you. In certain stories, that works really well, but it's started to become normal, and that just makes it seem unoriginal after a certain point. And there are lots of stories where magic is something that requires vigorous training. But how did the teachers learn it? Isn't anyone self taught? Plus it's such a huge part of peoples lives in stories. It's hardly ever seen as just an unimportant supporter feature of society.

And although there's nothing like a good Chosen One story, I didn't want to write one.

So, I'm only two pages in. I know exactly what I want to do, but I've got to make sure I avoid these fantasy fiction pitfalls.

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